Thursday, November 13, 2008

Entrecard Generator

Today as I was doing my usual web surfing I somehow stumbled upon the Entrecard Generator. For those of you who are not aware of this marketing tool check it out by clicking on the box to the right of this post.

The generator allows you the opportunity to drop your card on a plethora of blog sites so check it out as well.

Cell Therapy

So this pic of Obama and the fam is floating through the cell phone highway attached to the theme song of The Jeffersons. You know the one "well, we're moving on up to the eastside. To a apartment in the s...k..y..yy..." Hey, I like the thought of upgrading, getting our bars up, taking it to the next level and most of all luv the fact that our president elect is Barack Obama, yes I voted, and all that but the theme song to The Jeffersons? I don't know about that one. It seems to detract from the big picture.

Anywho, I luv this pic of the Obamas and props to whomever did the graphics on this pic from the photo to the lettering. This is a good one.
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