Good morning everyone! I just wanted to take a second and wish everyone who stops by my little spot of sunshine a Merry Christmas. I am spending the holiday in Alamagordo, New Mexico with my family.
I ventured into the hotel's lobby this morning for breakfast and picked up a magazine about the city's attractions. Apparently the city has become a booming site for movie production. According to several pieces of literature I found there several popular movies feature scenes shot near here including both Transformer films! And the very same hotel I'm staying housed the crews. I just missed George Clooney by a couple of weeks.
I must say I was surprised to read that and to hear confirmation from hotel staff. I have been visiting this little dusty town for years because members of my family were station at Holloman Airforce Base, worked at the White Sands Missile Range and lived here. When my cousin first moved here she described the tiny town as having nothing to see but a snake and a cactus.
We arrived on Christmas eve and have been canoodling with family and friends and all is well.
I just wanted to send out some luv for the rest of the world and am hoping everyone is enjoying their holiday as well.
Much luv...