Welcome to the blogspot of freelance journalist, publicist, entrepreneur and the Author who is currently known as Nikki "Nikki G" Nicole. This blog contains news and events surrounding her novel, A Little Bit of Sin, works in progress and other ramblings and commentary that you might find appealing and even amusing. Any questions!?!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas 2 All...
Good morning everyone! I just wanted to take a second and wish everyone who stops by my little spot of sunshine a Merry Christmas. I am spending the holiday in Alamagordo, New Mexico with my family.
I ventured into the hotel's lobby this morning for breakfast and picked up a magazine about the city's attractions. Apparently the city has become a booming site for movie production. According to several pieces of literature I found there several popular movies feature scenes shot near here including both Transformer films! And the very same hotel I'm staying housed the crews. I just missed George Clooney by a couple of weeks.
I must say I was surprised to read that and to hear confirmation from hotel staff. I have been visiting this little dusty town for years because members of my family were station at Holloman Airforce Base, worked at the White Sands Missile Range and lived here. When my cousin first moved here she described the tiny town as having nothing to see but a snake and a cactus.
We arrived on Christmas eve and have been canoodling with family and friends and all is well.
I just wanted to send out some luv for the rest of the world and am hoping everyone is enjoying their holiday as well.
Much luv...
Friday, December 19, 2008
The one with the supa dupa big ol fro...
Recently I discovered the world of the Afro Samurai. At the recent Comic Con held here in San Diego, I happened upon an exhibit that featured the Xbox 360 and I want to say some new games that they would be unveiling soon. It was a while ago and the games are probably out by this time but anyway one of the games was Afro Samurai. So my son played the game for a bit and I was checking it out and thought it was an aiight game. What I didn't know at the time was that the Afro Samurai series was gonna blow my mind in the near future. So, I rent the season 1 dvd and am checking out the Afro Samurai. Ohhhh, that Number 2. He's definitely a bad mofo. You know that saying 'the wrong one to f#*k with?'. Yea, that's him. I'm lovin the show. There's martial arts, witty commentary, gore, vulgarity, obscenity, you'll love it. The RZA did the music and of course its banging as well. The beats will have your head bobbing while you're watching Number 2 slice and dice a sucka. Its the bomb. I'm looking forward to Afro Samurai 2 Resurrection. I'll be waiting with bated breath and for those of you who are on the late freight like myself here's a clip of what you've been missing and need to get a bar of.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Entrecard Generator
Today as I was doing my usual web surfing I somehow stumbled upon the Entrecard Generator. For those of you who are not aware of this marketing tool check it out by clicking on the box to the right of this post.
The generator allows you the opportunity to drop your card on a plethora of blog sites so check it out as well.
The generator allows you the opportunity to drop your card on a plethora of blog sites so check it out as well.
Cell Therapy
So this pic of Obama and the fam is floating through the cell phone highway attached to the theme song of The Jeffersons. You know the one "well, we're moving on up to the eastside. To a de...luxe apartment in the s...k..y..yy..." Hey, I like the thought of upgrading, getting our bars up, taking it to the next level and most of all luv the fact that our president elect is Barack Obama, yes I voted, and all that but the theme song to The Jeffersons? I don't know about that one. It seems to detract from the big picture.
Anywho, I luv this pic of the Obamas and props to whomever did the graphics on this pic from the photo to the lettering. This is a good one.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So on Saturday I'm chill-a-xin and watching the SD Chargers vs. the Oakland Raiders...GO CHARGERS...and I notice that Antonio Gates got some junk in his trunk. Dude gotta juicy booty ladies! So not only is he a damn awesome football player, SD's Ocho Cinco's got back! Check out his fantasticness in this clip. Roll tape!
I Know...
Long time no post. I know...but I think about it everyday like man, I need to post something on my blog. I network. I read my emails. I read other peoples blogs and leave comments on their ish and then neglect my own. However, I'm gonna get better at posting. I am gonna post at least once a week, if not more but let me not get ahead of myself. I have a new website in the works. I need to work on that as well since I lost my domain name. Damn...and the folks who bought it want $750!! What a scam! So, I have a new one its www.nikkinicolegc.com. So, I'm gonna fix it up nice and pretty and then you can come check it out...til then...holla...!!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Word has it that Will Smith's latest movie "Hancock" a non-traditional superhero movie with a surprising twist to it. The character is considered a "bum superhero" and according to Smith is "rude and mean to kids." I am planning on checking out the flick this weekend. So far the reviews are ranging from one extreme to another. It seems people either hate or love it. I heard on the radio yesterday that this is his 8th movie to gross over $50 million dollars opening weekend including several that hit theatres Fourth of July weekends. That's nothing to laugh at, could all of those people have been duped into thinking this would be a great movie and got their feelings hurt while sitting within the cool confines of the darkened, air-conditioned theatre eating over-priced candy and slurping on expensive fountain driks? That remains to be told. I'm sure the die-hard Will Smith fans loved the movie. It is said to contain great special effects not just the trumped up computer generated ones though one complaint I read today is that the movie is all over the place; however, I am still interested in checking it out for myself like the millions of other folks have.
Will Smith
Thursday, July 03, 2008
New Interview
I would like to invite you to listen to my recent interview with George Cook at his site www.letskalkhonestly.com. You can listen to the interview by clicking link below:
_http://www.letstalk honestly. com/LTHWEEKLY. html_
(http://www.letstalk honestly. com/LTHWEEKLY. html)
A businesswoman, wife, and mother, Sinatra Graham's life is good. She
chauffeurs her children to their football games and cheerleading practices while running her own beauty salon with a staff of close friends. Unfortunately, life takes a sudden detour when she discovers her husband's briefs smeared with lipstick-and it's not her shade.
With her marriage on the rocks, Sinatra confronts her own
relationship demons and revisits a past love, the father of her first child. But
after she watches how her cousin struggles to find a good man and fails
miserably, Sinatra decides to take a closer look at her marriage and decide how to
Sinatra keeps her children's home life stable while She's Gotta Have
It, her beauty shop, keeps her busy as she tries to develop it into a
successful business. But an unexpected pregnancy and uncertainty over who the
baby's father is adds a whole new dimension to her life.
A Little Bit of Sin explores infidelity and forgiveness in a story
filled with verve and charm. You'll root for Sinatra as she transforms from
a woman scorned to a woman empowered.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
And the award goes to...
So the other day I set my DVR to record Spike TV's Guy's Choice Award show and this weekend I finally got a chance to chill out and watch the show. The biggest difference, I would say, between the Guy's Choice Awards and any ol other award show was the swag of the show. The show's hosts, John Cho and Kal Penn of Harold and Kumar fame, kept it casual and fun with presenters like Snoop Dogg, Jeremy Piven following suit. Another noteable thing about the show were the quirky award categories like "Hot N'Fresh" unfortunately for which Meagon Good was the runner up; "Sexiest Siren" for which Rihanna beat out Avril; Chris Rock won over Seth Rogen for "King of Comedy", Eva Mendes opted to share the "Hottest Eva" award with Eva Longoria; the self-elected best rapper in the world, Kanye whupped 50's ass again as the "Sickest Rhymes" awardee; Obama topped McCain in the "Presidential Voting" category. Hugh Hefner received the "Alpha Male" award and Matt Damon received two awards, Man of the Year and, my favorite, Biggest Ass Kicker award for his roles in the Jason Bourne trilogy. Jason Bourne is a bad mofo. I luv those movies. All those stunts, punches, kicks, slaps and strangling going on. Whew, Matt put it down as Jason Bourne. He would've got my vote fo sheezy. Anyway, back to the award show so yea overall I thought the show was aiight. They even had an 'Outstanding Literary Achievement' category..I'm gonna set my sites on that for next year buddy! I do have some suggestions for next year's show. I don't know if they're interested in my input but...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Meet me at the LABBX June 14th!
The Los Angeles Black Book Expo (LABBX) 2008 will be held June 14th in Los Angeles, California. We will host a full day of activity featuring authors, storytellers, spoken word and poetry performances, musicians, exhibitors, children's book authors, emerging writers, publishers, booksellers, panel discussions, editors, book reviewers, and others. For more info check out the site at http://www.labbx.com.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Audio Bookclub Seeks Author Podcasts!
This is a repost I received today on myspace from EDC Creations.
Date: May 23, 2008 8:00 AM
Subject: Audio Bookclub Seeks Author Podcasts!
Body: SLS Audio Bookclub
Do you have a new book release?
Do you have a sassy short story to share?
Have you written one of the hottest poems on the scene?
Well, tell the world at the Black Authors Network!
Create a podcast of you reading directly from your work, for our book lovers and fans. For a limited time, we are showcasing books and poems in the SLS Audio Bookclub.
The SLS Audio Bookclub is in 100+ feeders, creates 2 newsletters, and we distribute the recordings on 2 radio shows!
Record your 3-10 minute podcast, so that we can share it with our 15,000+ SLS newsletter members, from around the world.
Tell all your friends--repost--share!
Our goal is to showcase 100 stars in June and July, 2008!
Listen to a sample here:
http://paradigmshiftaap. vox. com/library/post/victoria-wells-book-preview. html
Record your podcasts now: Call (214) 615-6505 ext.9530
No charge to call (long distance may apply)
Please follow these instructions closely:
1.Only record 3-10 minute of audio; do not try to add music
2. Do not just hang up when finished; hit the 3-key to SAVE
3. Leave your book or poem title at the start and end, also your name and website address
4. Email Ella all your information at: ellacurry@edc-creations. com
5. Put this in the subject line: SLS Audio Bookclub
Telephone Prompts:
Hit to STOP the recording
If you mess up--immediately hit the sign and start again
Press the 1-key to listen to your recording
Press the 2-key to re-record your recording
Press the 3-key to SAVE the recording
Your podcasts will be emailed to you, after you notify Ella of your information.
Warmest regards,
Ella Curry, President/CEO EDC Creations
Black Author Network Radio-Founder
Sankofa Literary Society-Founder
A Good Book-Marketing Director
Xpress Yourself Publishing-Publicist
WoMEN-NPower (DC Chapter) Member
BAN coming soon to The Black Men in America blog!
Date: May 23, 2008 8:00 AM
Subject: Audio Bookclub Seeks Author Podcasts!
Body: SLS Audio Bookclub
Do you have a new book release?
Do you have a sassy short story to share?
Have you written one of the hottest poems on the scene?
Well, tell the world at the Black Authors Network!
Create a podcast of you reading directly from your work, for our book lovers and fans. For a limited time, we are showcasing books and poems in the SLS Audio Bookclub.
The SLS Audio Bookclub is in 100+ feeders, creates 2 newsletters, and we distribute the recordings on 2 radio shows!
Record your 3-10 minute podcast, so that we can share it with our 15,000+ SLS newsletter members, from around the world.
Tell all your friends--repost--share!
Our goal is to showcase 100 stars in June and July, 2008!
Listen to a sample here:
http://paradigmshiftaap. vox. com/library/post/victoria-wells-book-preview. html
Record your podcasts now: Call (214) 615-6505 ext.9530
No charge to call (long distance may apply)
Please follow these instructions closely:
1.Only record 3-10 minute of audio; do not try to add music
2. Do not just hang up when finished; hit the 3-key to SAVE
3. Leave your book or poem title at the start and end, also your name and website address
4. Email Ella all your information at: ellacurry@edc-creations. com
5. Put this in the subject line: SLS Audio Bookclub
Telephone Prompts:
Hit to STOP the recording
If you mess up--immediately hit the sign and start again
Press the 1-key to listen to your recording
Press the 2-key to re-record your recording
Press the 3-key to SAVE the recording
Your podcasts will be emailed to you, after you notify Ella of your information.
Warmest regards,
Ella Curry, President/CEO EDC Creations
Black Author Network Radio-Founder
Sankofa Literary Society-Founder
A Good Book-Marketing Director
Xpress Yourself Publishing-Publicist
WoMEN-NPower (DC Chapter) Member
BAN coming soon to The Black Men in America blog!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Ohh No Flav Didn't....
Did yall watch last weeks episode of Flavor of Love?! When I saw Thing 2 appear outta the shadows I was sooo happy. I think she should win this competition. She seems to be really feelin Flav. Especially compared to them other two. I think if he picks either one of those other two chicks he will end up disappointed and casting for Flavor of Love 4. What yall think?
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Rise of Street Literature an article by Almah LaVon Rice
Recently, I was interviewed about the genre of street lit. Here's my one little quote that made it into the article. You can read the article here:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I've been published on Associated Content!
Check out my recently published content on AC:
Fighting a Photo Ticket in San Diego, California - Just Smile for the Camera!
Fighting a Photo Ticket in San Diego, California - Just Smile for the Camera!
photo ticket,
san diego
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Rate your favorite reality t.v. show
Right now reality t.v. shows are a big hit with me. I enjoy watching the Bad Girls Club, Miss Rap Supreme, Flavor of Love, and Prime Time Love. Right now out of those listed my favorite would have to be Miss Rap Supreme. I'm not sure yet who's gonna come out on top. Prime Time Love and The Bad Girls Club aren't contests like Flavor of Love and that's been done so many times and it always turns out the same. They say there won't be another one then poof...the saga continues.
A Little Bit of Sin - Press Release
G Dot Media
PO Box 152979
San Diego, Ca, April 23, 2008— Freelance journalist, entrepreneur, and now published author Nicole “Nikki Nicole” Cunningham unleashes her debut novel on the public at large and poses the million dollar question.
What makes a good relationship go bad relationship is the million dollar question nowadays; however, what we learn from them as individuals is our own life lesson. Sinatra Graham is a supportive wife, loving mother and savvy business woman who, for all intents and purposes has it going on, until that pivotal ‘one thing’ happens and the domino effect ensues and she’s thrust into a world where nothing is as it appears to be.
In A Little Bit of Sin, Sinatra’s life takes a sudden detour when she discovers her husband’s briefs smeared with lipstick—and it’s not her shade. With her marriage on the rocks, Sinatra confronts her own relationship demons and revisits a past love, the father of her first child. But after she watches how her cousin struggles to find a good man and fails miserably, Sinatra decides to take a closer look at her marriage and decide how to proceed.
Sinatra keeps her children’s home life stable while She’s Gotta Have It, her beauty shop, keeps her busy as she tries to develop it into a successful business. But an unexpected pregnancy and uncertainty over who the baby’s father is adds a whole new dimension to her life.
A Little Bit of Sin
A Novel By
Nikki Nicole
“A Little Bit of Sin was a long time coming,” says Nicole Cunningham who wrote the novel using the pen name ‘Nikki Nicole’, a combination of her nickname and her first name. “It was something that I started years ago as a hobby just writing a little bit at a time and sharing with family and friends and eventually it evolved into a story and after attending several writing conferences and researching about the process of publication it was shaped into a novel. The process by no means was easy,” said the author, adding; “I put my blood, sweat and tears into this book and am glad people can relate to my characters and are enjoying the story. The process was quite a journey,” the author admits.
A Little Bit of Sin explores infidelity and forgiveness in a story filled with verve and charm. You’ll root for Sinatra as she transforms from a woman scorned to a woman empowered as you will be after reading this book.
The debut novel, A Little Bit of Sin, by San Diego, Ca author Nicole “Nikki Nicole” Cunningham is receiving good reviews by locals as well as the online community. “The Beautiful One” a member of online book club Real Divas of Literature – the #1 Book Club in the Nation posted a review on www.amazon.com citing that A Little Bit of Sin is “a good read” and that Nicole “did a good job with this novel,” she adds that the novel “really reflects on things that are happening in the world every day.”
Published on March 6, 2008, A Little Bit of Sin is now available for purchase through the publisher, http://www.iuniverse.com/bookstore/book_detail.asp?isbn=0-595-45016-4, www.amazon.com, any of their online affiliates and major bookselling sites. The novel is also available via the author at www.myspace.com/thagstands4, www.booksbynikkinicolegc.blogspot.com, www.missnikkinicole.com.
Prefer a hardback or an eBook? A Little Bit of Sin is available in three formats: POD - 0-595-45016-4 for $16.95; Hardback - 0-595-69301-6 for $26.95 and/or E-Book - 0-595-89331-7 available for purchase for $6.00.
Nikki Nicole is a published freelance journalist and author living in San Diego, California, with her family. She is currently working on the sequel to A Little Bit of Sin. Her writing resume includes staff writer at two local newspapers, publication in magazines such as American Cheerleader, Jr., Fire Magazine, Indie Street Entertainment and the poem My Grandma Would…featured in the anthology Gumbo For the Soul: The Recipe for Literacy in the Black Community.
The author is available for book signings, special events and interviews. To request review copies of the book or to request press interviews with the author, please contact her at nicole@missnikkinicole.com or 619-886-6722.
# # #
Media Contact: Nicole Cunningham*G Dot Media*619.886.6722*gdotmedia@gmail.com
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Purchase an autographed copy of A Little Bit of Sin
Purchase an autographed copy of A Little Bit of Sin for only $20.00 and receive a free tee! Grab yourself a hardback for an additional $10.00!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Book Trailer for A Little Bit of Sin - Check it out!
Check out the book trailer for A Little Bit of Sin.
Friday, March 14, 2008
A Little Bit of Sin is now on sale!
Just Published...
A Little Bit of Sin
Nikki Nicole
A businesswoman, wife, and mother, Sinatra Graham’s life is good. She chauffeurs her children to their football games and cheerleading practices while running her own beauty salon with a staff of close friends. Unfortunately, life takes a sudden detour when she discovers her husband’s briefs smeared with lipstick—and it’s not her shade.
With her marriage on the rocks, Sinatra confronts her own relationship demons and revisits a past love, the father of her first child. But after she watches how her cousin struggles to find a good man and fails miserably, Sinatra decides to take a closer look at her marriage and decide how to proceed.
Sinatra keeps her children’s home life stable while She’s Gotta Have It, her beauty shop, keeps her busy as she tries to develop it into a successful business. But an unexpected pregnancy and uncertainty over who the baby’s father is adds a whole new dimension to her life.
A Little Bit of Sin explores infidelity and forgiveness in a story filled with verve and charm. You’ll root for Sinatra as she transforms from a woman scorned to a woman empowered.
Buy It Now!
Get yours today at http://www.iuniverse.com. Mention my blog and receive a free t-shirt.
A Little Bit of Sin
Nikki Nicole
A businesswoman, wife, and mother, Sinatra Graham’s life is good. She chauffeurs her children to their football games and cheerleading practices while running her own beauty salon with a staff of close friends. Unfortunately, life takes a sudden detour when she discovers her husband’s briefs smeared with lipstick—and it’s not her shade.
With her marriage on the rocks, Sinatra confronts her own relationship demons and revisits a past love, the father of her first child. But after she watches how her cousin struggles to find a good man and fails miserably, Sinatra decides to take a closer look at her marriage and decide how to proceed.
Sinatra keeps her children’s home life stable while She’s Gotta Have It, her beauty shop, keeps her busy as she tries to develop it into a successful business. But an unexpected pregnancy and uncertainty over who the baby’s father is adds a whole new dimension to her life.
A Little Bit of Sin explores infidelity and forgiveness in a story filled with verve and charm. You’ll root for Sinatra as she transforms from a woman scorned to a woman empowered.
Buy It Now!
Get yours today at http://www.iuniverse.com. Mention my blog and receive a free t-shirt.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
A Little Bit of Sin - Excerpt
I sat at a corner table and waited for my order. I had ordered a grande,
decaf, Carmel Macchiato with a double shot of espresso, extra caramel,
whipped cream and requested that the drink be made upside down so the
espresso would be blended in and not the first thing to tarnish my taste buds. I
waited the few minutes looking around the lobby and salivating over the pastries
until my drink was finally ready. I took one sip of the seething hot liquid
and instantly noticed the acidic taste of burnt coffee, also noting that there was
definitely no whip cream or caramel only foam.
Oh hell to tha naw, I thought. “Excuse me!” I exclaimed, making my way
back to the counter. The line parted like the Red Sea as I approached. “That’s
right, disgruntled black bitch with hot coffee, step to da left,” I said, as I
zoomed to the head of the line, my eyes darting to the uniform of my victim
and searched out her name.
“LeeAnn … um, I requested that my coffee be made upside down and
ordered whipped cream and extra caramel and paid an extra thirty cents and
there ain’t hide nor hair of some whip cream and only a speck of caramel in
this damn cup. Whassup with that?” I slammed the cup of liquid on the
counter in front of the clerk, not giving a flying f&*k that I had caused the top
to fly off and hot scalding coffee to go flying in the air. The clerk quickly
jumped back to avoid getting burned. Smart move. My own hand was still on
the cup and hot liquid spilled over causing instantaneous searing pain pushing
me over the edge. “I just want what I asked and paid for!” I screeched. I was
pissed, more so at myself and the stupid position I was in than at these people.
I was having a helluva bad day. Surely, they’ve got an order messed up before
and didn’t nobody come back in the store and throw the hot s*@t back at them.
But hey, that’s Murphy Law, sometimes s%$t happens. The manager rushed
over trying to calm me down and make amends.
“Sorry, ma’am. We’ll fix that right away. What was your order?” I realized I
was making a complete fool of myself and calmed the hell down. “I am so
sorry. I just got some bad medical news and I just needed that coffee so very
badly to ease my nerves. Don’t worry about it.” I grabbed what was left of my
coffee and quickly escaped the glares and crazy looks I was receiving inside the
coffee shop. The other patrons gaped in horror as I splattered my hot expensive
cup of coffee all over the counter like a spoiled kid who didn’t get what she
wanted. I felt so totally stupid and embarrassed it was unbelievable. I rushed to
my car, thankful that it wasn’t in a spot right in front of the storefront.
I pulled into traffic quickly and plummeted down the street. I realized I was
suffering from mood swings badly. The people in there probably thought I was
some kind of drug addict coming off of a high or something deranged like that.
I looked at my reflection and guffawed. I couldn’t believe I just went off in
Starbucks. Thank God it wasn’t the one close to my house or close to the shop
because I’d have to reroute to a different Starbucks every time I wanted some
damn coffee. S*&t, I’m too humiliated now to go back to that one.
decaf, Carmel Macchiato with a double shot of espresso, extra caramel,
whipped cream and requested that the drink be made upside down so the
espresso would be blended in and not the first thing to tarnish my taste buds. I
waited the few minutes looking around the lobby and salivating over the pastries
until my drink was finally ready. I took one sip of the seething hot liquid
and instantly noticed the acidic taste of burnt coffee, also noting that there was
definitely no whip cream or caramel only foam.
Oh hell to tha naw, I thought. “Excuse me!” I exclaimed, making my way
back to the counter. The line parted like the Red Sea as I approached. “That’s
right, disgruntled black bitch with hot coffee, step to da left,” I said, as I
zoomed to the head of the line, my eyes darting to the uniform of my victim
and searched out her name.
“LeeAnn … um, I requested that my coffee be made upside down and
ordered whipped cream and extra caramel and paid an extra thirty cents and
there ain’t hide nor hair of some whip cream and only a speck of caramel in
this damn cup. Whassup with that?” I slammed the cup of liquid on the
counter in front of the clerk, not giving a flying f&*k that I had caused the top
to fly off and hot scalding coffee to go flying in the air. The clerk quickly
jumped back to avoid getting burned. Smart move. My own hand was still on
the cup and hot liquid spilled over causing instantaneous searing pain pushing
me over the edge. “I just want what I asked and paid for!” I screeched. I was
pissed, more so at myself and the stupid position I was in than at these people.
I was having a helluva bad day. Surely, they’ve got an order messed up before
and didn’t nobody come back in the store and throw the hot s*@t back at them.
But hey, that’s Murphy Law, sometimes s%$t happens. The manager rushed
over trying to calm me down and make amends.
“Sorry, ma’am. We’ll fix that right away. What was your order?” I realized I
was making a complete fool of myself and calmed the hell down. “I am so
sorry. I just got some bad medical news and I just needed that coffee so very
badly to ease my nerves. Don’t worry about it.” I grabbed what was left of my
coffee and quickly escaped the glares and crazy looks I was receiving inside the
coffee shop. The other patrons gaped in horror as I splattered my hot expensive
cup of coffee all over the counter like a spoiled kid who didn’t get what she
wanted. I felt so totally stupid and embarrassed it was unbelievable. I rushed to
my car, thankful that it wasn’t in a spot right in front of the storefront.
I pulled into traffic quickly and plummeted down the street. I realized I was
suffering from mood swings badly. The people in there probably thought I was
some kind of drug addict coming off of a high or something deranged like that.
I looked at my reflection and guffawed. I couldn’t believe I just went off in
Starbucks. Thank God it wasn’t the one close to my house or close to the shop
because I’d have to reroute to a different Starbucks every time I wanted some
damn coffee. S*&t, I’m too humiliated now to go back to that one.
Cover Art
My novel is finally complete. Here's the cover art for the book. I hope everyone likes it. I do. I think the expression on the model face gives the impression that there's something on her mind, lurking under the surface. She's got that, "umph, umph, umph. I need to pray for you" look on her face. I also like the fact that she's not all glammed up which adds to the relevance of the story inside. This could be me, this could be you, this could be any of us.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hurry up and wait...
So, last Monday, Happy birthday Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I pressed the button sending my corrections thru the world wide web to my PSA for processing and finalization of my novel. The wait for the next phase has begun. During this waiting period I have decided that I won't be reading thru the copy. Every time I read thru it I find more things I want to change and I probably will every time. I'll be back soon...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Join my mailing list!
To stay in the know of all info concerning the release of A Little Bit of Sin and to purchase advance copies join my mailing list. Thanks!
Join Our Mailing List |
Monday, January 14, 2008
It's about time!
So, after much procrastination my final proofing is in its final stages and the light at the end of the tunnel is finally visible. I have gone from a fall release
(because of my birthday in September) to a winter release (A Little Bit of Sin would have made a great Christmas gift!) to a, hopefully, February release.
I am in the process of submitting my proof form and plan to have it done and traveling thru the world wide web by Friday.
In other news, I have joined a slew of social networks lately in an attempt to network with other people, writer, and readers. They include: Snapvine, flux, Goodreads and several new networks on ning.com. So, if any of you are apart of these communities as well...holla at a sistah.
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