My day 2nd & 3rd Day at Blogher16: Experts Among Us started off a little bit rocky because the hotel I choose to patronize thought it was ok to have one working elevator without notifying anyone and have us all waiting and wondering what was the problem like we didn't have ish to do. business cards weren't ready at the agreed upon time so I had to arrange another pick up plan but that's another post.
Anywho, my 2nd morning consisted of a yummy continental breakfast compliments of Merck for Mothers, an organization that is committed to making pregnancy and childbirth a safer, healthier experience. I attended their panel discussion regarding Maternal Mortality. The discussion was an eye-opener. The statistics are staggering and more than double in the United States with black and non-Hispanic women ranking the highest.
This was my 1st time attending Blogher and I was totally astounded at discovering so many new things and reminders of things to implement that I had heard or seen before and never put into motion. I realized what I am lacking in my blogging business and where I need to use my nerve, creativity and talent (thanks Ru!) to tweak things here and there to take it to the level it should be. There were definitely invaluable gems to be had. #imwoke
Here are some pics I took while surveying the scene in the exhibit hall.
I made sure to also spend time in the exhibit hall perusing the vendor booths and just walking up and down each aisle to see what everyone had to offer and what info I could garner that would be beneficial to me and my blogs ( and A few of the booths I visited were Jamba Juice, CLR, Babybel Cheese, EndoMEtrosis, Embassy Suites...there were so many it was a bring-some-extra-bags-to-carry-swag-home-in extravaganza. I still have stuff to go thru. I mean I have went thru the items and even used some of them; however, the bottom of my bag is a treasure trove of items that I have yet to use.
The speakers wow'd the crowd of course, including Kim K. Yes, Kim K was a keynote speaker. She spoke of a pending reality show she is working on. She talked about her emoji's including the one of her ugly cry face. She talked about rumors about herself that she thought was totally bogus and the one she spoke of was a rumor that she wasn't ever pregnant with Saint at all because he hadn't been seen in pictures at that point in time. Since then we've all since his lil cocoa cherub face so we know he does exist. Afterwards she posed for pictures with the convention attendees and was quoted all over the place, of course. Kim K says being considered "talentless" is a big misconception. It takes a lot of creative energy to keep your name trending more often than not and at the top of every social media outlet on a daily basis. I'll say. Women lie. Men lie. Numbers don't lie. #whogoncheckmeboo

Did you attend BlogHer? Do you plan to attend the next one? What other blogger meet ups or conferences have you attended or intend to attend?
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Until next time...Go forth and read, comment and share!! Bye loves :)
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