The other day Cash Money Record /HipHop/RnB singer Jacquees declared himself "the King of RnB for this generation" meaning ages 16 - 25 year olds much to the annoyance of almost everyone who heard his statement. Folks came out of the wood works near and far with the backlash. His declaration also sparked a debate on social media between himself and popular crooners past and present. Names being tossed in the ring are Bruno Mars, The Weeknd, Chris Brown, RKelly, Trey Songz, Bryson Tiller, Tank, Usher, Frank Ocean, Tory Lanez, 6LACK, Tyrese, Brian McKnight, Keith Sweat...the list can go on and on to the break of dawn.
"Actually we all need to give the world back this gift we have and do a King’s Tour. @chrisbrown @TreySongz @Usher @rkelly @brysontiller @TheRealTank@HERMusicx I have noooo Ego most of you know that all ready! I’ll Open no problem. Also do some inner city music w/kids
— THE-DREAM (@TheKingDream) December 16, 2018
Tory Lanez has since issued a challenge to Jacquees himself, saying during a recent performance, "Tell that nigga Jacquees to holler at me one time. Tell ’em to holla at me. That’s my bro, but tell ’em to holla at me." Uh Jacquees out here making frenemieeeeees?

Everyone is chiming in on the topic from Nick Cannon to Birdman with some with and some against. The whole thing is good press for Jacquees and bring him a lot of attention. He said 2018 was one of his best years yet and it's looking like he's off to a good start for 2019.

Of course the internet had to have their fun with this whole King of RnB debacle with memes, jokes even comedians such as Kevonstage are having their say, check out this recently posted video.

Until next time...Go forth and read, comment and share!! Bye loves :)
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