Hello to any html knowledgeable bloggers out there that could lend a helping hand to a beginner. I have a chunk of Blogger header or something on my blog on the right sidebar and I don't know how to get rid of it. I used to have ads there from a network...oh gosh, now I don't remember. But as you can see that's gone and this Blogger thingy ma-jig is front and center. Can you advise a sistah a little bit?
Log into your blogger account.
Click on dashboard
Click on Edit Layout Tab
Once it opens, you will see your gadgets
On the right, scroll down, once you get to the gadget with the title "Blog Archive".
Click on Edit on the gadget above the "Blog Archive"
A pop up comes on..
On the pop up, click on remove
That settles it...lol
Also u can rearrange your Graphic pic on your left just follow the step below but - Click the RICH TEXT no u can see HTML code turn to picture graphic - just drag and drop where you want the picture locate it
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