Now as far as adaptations go I have read plenty of comments by plenty of fans who are bracing themselves for the worse most likely because the idea of eight books and 30 comics being condensed into a two hour movie has got to have fans wondering how are they going do it? And what is going to be left out?
A movie that combines the old west with magical finesse, of course, with science fiction, horror and dark fantasy with inspirational nuances taken from King Arthur and Lord of the Rings (a fav of mine) as well as some of Kings other novels and some of the characters from these other novels that we have grown to know and maybe love or hate whichever your preference. The point is The Dark Tower movie will have to be a massive cumulative compilation of eight novels, 30 comics, multiple genres, new and previously seen characters, with enough to satisfy the legion of fans it already has and to capture the minds and money of new fans. That's a hefty order. #challengeaccepted
One of the main things I have read that is bothering some fans, not all, is the fact that Idris Elba was cast as Roland who appears in all illustrations and characterizations as blue-eyed white male basically a Clint Eastwood dobble-ganger. Now in case you don't know, Idris has that melanin poppin. He's English. He portrayed Stringer Bell in The Wire and he has been K. Michelle's muse via an ill-fated #situationship that ended badly. Based on what I've seen in these trailers...he's killing this part!!
A few commenters mentioned the fact that Idris wasn't cast as the first black James Bond so this was the politically correct thing to do. Cast him as the black version of Roland Deschain, the movie's main character the last of a line of gunslingers who is trapped in an eternal feud with a man described as worse than the devil himself The Man in Black played by Matthew McConaughey who the gunslinger must keep from tumbling the Tower. Now based on some of the descriptions I have read, sans the color of his skin, Idris is indeed a great choice especially with that scruffy beard but hey what do I know. I know he has the acting chops and he's already gotten the role so the proof will be in the pudding so enough.
I am eager to see this movie and am planning to run to my local library to grab the books so I can read them prior to see the movie. I will probably make an updated post at that time with more insight. #librarycardondeck
Are you excited to see The Dark Tower? What is your favorite movie adaptation? What is your least favorite movie adaptation?
Until next time...Go forth and read, comment and share!! Bye loves :)
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